The parental average prediction tool is available to all HerdPlus members.
To access the tool, log-in to you HerdPlus account and go to ‘Applications’ and select ‘Inbreeding & Predictions.’
Herd owners can run up to 10 bulls against their cows and heifers to check for inbreeding and to give predicted metrics on progeny before birth.
The three metrics that can be generated are the:
- Commercial Beef Value (CBV)
- Replacement Index values
- Terminal Index values.
Please Note: Results are generated based off the sire and dam data available in the most recent evaluation.
What are the benefits of checking parentage average predictions?
- Predicts the potential Replacement/Terminal €uro-Star value for unborn progeny
- Assists farmers in ensuring they meet relevant scheme requirements e.g. SCEP & DBWS
- Aids in breeding high genetic merit beef animals
The CBV prediction will generate a report for each mating between a breeding female and the selected sire(s) which will display a projected Commercial Beef Value for the potential progeny.
This will give the herd owner a better indication as to whether the mating decision will produce elite progeny for beef production.
The Replacement and Terminal Index predictions will generate a report for each mating between a breeding female and the selected sire(s) which will display a projected Replacement and/or Terminal Index value.
For example, If dam 667 is mated with LM2014, their progeny is predicted to have a Terminal Index value of €80.
For more information on how to use/interpret the application, please contact the HerdPlus office on 023-8820452 or email [email protected].