As of June 25th levels of milk recording are up by more than 22% when compared to the same period in 2020. This year there are over 900,000 cows recorded year to date compared with just over 740,000 for the same period last year.

2019 levels were almost identical when compared with 2020 levels during the same period. This is further proof that the trend is most definitely an upward one. The table below displays milk recording levels year-to-date for all organisations over the past 3 years.

Milk Recording stats as of week ending 25th June 2021 (*2019 figures as of 26th June 2019)


This table and many more are updated each Friday with the most up-to-date weekly stats. You can check out our weekly stats page by clicking on ‘Publications’ – ‘Statistics’ from our main menu or by clicking the link here