Dairy Evaluation Results

Below is a lists of tables with proofs and related information for bulls from the most recent genetic evaluation.  All proofs have been published via the central database. As usual, ranking of bulls has been based on the EBI. The files however contains more detailed information about the bulls (e.g. pedigree information). proofs for Irish bulls (with Irish AI code and daughters milking) have been separated from Foreign bulls to make it easier to search through the list. All tables contain proofs for production, linear type, calving interval and survival traits where available.

Getting proofs for Individual bulls

Searching for individual bulls is now possible for all bulls. There are options to search for bulls either by their Irish AI code (if they have one) or by the last 6 digits of their herd-book number. It is also possible to search for a bull using the name. Click here to search for individual bulls

Bull proofs for Farm Management Software Owners (November 2024)

The file with the latest proofs for AI bulls suitable for the farm management software is now available for download. Two versions of this file are now available. The one suitable for you depends on the package. To download any of these files, please click the right mouse button over the version you want and choose the option ‘Save target as’ to download the file to a directory of your choice in your PC.

IFC Version has linear scores already multiplied by 100 (no decimal place). This includes new bull codes of length 6

Kingswood Version has linear scores in their original scale (2 decimal places). This includes new bull codes of length 6 ======================================================================

Bull proofs (26th November 2024)

All Bulls November 2024

Current EBI Percentiles

Understanding EBI

Current Count of Records in ICBF Evaluations